Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Being industry insiders we understand our client world and culture; giving us a leverage to support in recruiting and assessing the right kinds of candidatures. Our commitment towards building sustainable manpower structure has made us build long term relations with our clients.

  • Planning

    The planning phase for us means understanding the client requirements and the utility of such requirements to strengthen our search.

  • Screening & Interview

    With the selection of candidatures we are engaged in preliminary screening where we assess them on Key Result Areas (KRA’s), Compensation Package, Job Title, Job Location and other details. Our team of consultants personally conducts their interviews to assess the candidate competency.

  • Validation

    With the preliminary screening and interview, we valid the candidate through discreet reference check.

  • Client Interview

    After the initial screening and validation we refer the candidate for the client interview where the client can directly assess the capability and potential of the candidate.

  • Formal Reference Check

    With the positive feedback from the client, we make a formal reference check about the candidate regarding his work ethics, performance, behavior and other basic details.

  • Closure

    Negotiation and the handholding phase where we negotiate for the salary package, joining date and offer letter to ensure smooth integration of the candidate in the organization.